On Deck with the Administrators

Dear Dayton Oaks Families,

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday, spending time with family and friends.  We know that December can be a hectic month with all of  the seasonal events to attend, gift buying and searching for that one parking spot!  We hope you are able to take a moment to reflect on the many things we are thankful for.  Your children are wonderful students who make coming to work everyday an awesome experience for our teachers.  During this season, continue to teach them about the importance of giving to others and for being thankful.  DOES students are kind and caring students!

I wanted to thank a group of parents who provided lunch to our staff recently.  The indian food was very much appreciated and we were happy to be able to wrap up the celebration of Diwali with these wonderful parents.  We love our DOES community!

Finally, I wanted to thank our parents for attending conferences recently.  Your participation in your child’s education is critical.  When we all work together, your child can achieve amazing things.  Beyond these conferences, we hope that consistent communication between home and school continues.  Thank you for your partnership.


Nigel La Roche                Adrienne Williams-McKinney
Principal                          Assistant Principal