DOES SIP-Snapshot 2019-2020

Mon, 01/13/2020 - 11:55am



School Improvement Plan At A Glance

2019 – 2020


Dayton Oaks Elementary School:

Vision and Mission

School Targets and Strategies

Vision: Every child is engaged and inspired in a rigorous and empowering environment, in order to develop a love of learning, discover strengths, and excel in all endeavors.


Mission: The Dayton Oaks School community will provide a safe, nurturing environment that fosters individual potential through academic excellence, appreciation of diversity and commitment to life-long learning.

English Language Arts Target: The percentage of students scoring 4 or 5 on MCAP will increase from 69.4% to 72.3%, with the percentage of students receiving special education services scoring 4 or 5 on MCAP increasing from 19.4 to 32.2%%


Math Targets: The percentage of students scoring 4 or 5 on MCAP will increase from 68.9% to 76.3%, with the percentage of students receiving special education services scoring 4 or 5 on MCAP increasing from 29% to 35.2%


Discipline Referrals Targets: The percentage of students receiving reflection forms will decrease from 55 to 45.



  • All teachers will participate in professional learning on best practices for Collaborative Planning to support the planning of first instruction for special education students.


  • All teachers will participate in professional learning to develop and implement strategies for the differentiation of first instruction regarding grade level ELA standards.


  • Teachers will plan and implement differentiated first instruction related to written responses to texts based on identified formative assessment data.


  • Professional learning will be provided around higher level questioning and ways to engage students in opportunities for productive struggle, rigorous instruction and student-to-student discussion techniques.


  • DOES Student Support Team will meet bi-weekly (SST).  These members will collaborate with grade level teams in a CBS (Collaboration, Brainstorming, Supports) meeting to review concerns about students arising from the team or department level. Professional learning will support the refinement of CBS processes, in order to improve communication and problem-solving for staff.


  • Staff will engage in professional learning that focuses on the development of the social emotional competencies in students, based on targeted analysis of behavioral data at the team level.


  • School wide initiatives aligned with the social emotional learning team, will support a school and classroom culture where all students feel welcome and included - community-building is prioritized, and positive interactions are frequent during the day.


  • Staff will engage in professional learning focusing on effective strategies and approaches for deepening and strengthening relationships among students, with a focus on friendship and inclusion. 


  • Students will participate in daily community circles, supported by the caring school community program, with a focus on building community, problem solving and promoting student voice.

HCPSS Strategic Call to Action

Learning and Leading with Equity

“The Fierce Urgency of Now”

Vision: Every student and staff member embraces diversity and possesses the skills, knowledge and confidence to positively influence the larger community.


Mission: HCPSS ensures academic success and socioemotional well-being for each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that closes opportunity gaps.

HCPSS Four Overarching Commitments


Value- Every HCPSS stakeholder feels happy and rewarded in their roles and takes pride in cultivating the learning community.


Achieve- An individual focus supports every person in reaching milestones for success.


Connect- Students and staff thrive in a safe, nurturing and inclusive culture that embraces diversity.


Empower- Schools, families and the community are mutually invested in student achievement and well-being.