The following events have been scheduled, providing staff, students, and families with an opportunity to re-connect or meet. Please consider joining. I look forward to seeing you there!
Dine with Dolphins
When: Monday, August 18th from 11:30-1:00pm
Where: Chic-fil-a, Clarksville
Come and buy lunch at Chic-fil-a, while joining Mr. La Roche and Ms. Williams-MckKinney.
Popsicles on the Playground
When: Monday, August 15th from 4-5:30pm
Where: DOES Playground
Come and hang out on the playground, enjoying a cool refreshing popsicle!
Dolphin Virtual Summer Socials
The summer social are virtual opportunities for students to connect who may not be able to attend our in-person events. Students and staff can log in to catch up and re-connect. Wherever you are, consider joining one or more of these socials:
- Tuesday, August 9th from 12:30-1:15pm (Students entering grades K-2)
Google Meet joining info: Or dial: (US) +1 502-526-5388 PIN: 784 723 901#
- Wednesday, August 10th from 11-11:45am (Students going into grades 3-5)
Google Meet joining info: Or dial: (US) +1 570-818-2148 PIN: 946 545 262#
- Thursday, August 11th from 5-5:45pm (All students)
Google Meet joining info: Or dial: (US) +1 336-673-3609 PIN: 525 375 109#