On Deck with the Administrators

Thu, 01/10/2019 - 3:17pm

Dear Dayton Oaks Families,

Thank you - We would like to personally thank all of the families and students that so generously gave us holiday gifts and provided gifts to staff! Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated!

The new year is in full swing and many of us ponder resolutions or set goals this time of year. At Dayton Oaks, classroom teachers and Mrs. Dix have been engaging students in discussions around the importance of setting meaningful goals.  Please take time to ask your child what areas they feel successful in and in what areas they would like to improve.  Additionally, writing down their goals and posting them on the refrigerator helps make them concrete and meaningful.

Did you know . . . January is National Mentoring Month.  It is a time to raise awareness of mentoring in its various forms and engage students in opportunities to mentor peers.  At Dayton Oaks we are so proud of the many ways that students support other students. Whether it is through our Ambassador program, 5th grade mentors or our cross-age buddies initiative, there are a variety of opportunities for students to be mentors to others.  When students work together amazing learning happens.  DOES students care!

Have a great weekend!



Nigel La Roche                Adrienne Williams-McKinney
Principal                         Assistant Principal