Helpful Hints from the Health Room

Thu, 02/07/2019 - 11:28am

We have started seeing several confirmed cases of the flu at Dayton Oaks throughout all grade levels.

People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches
sometimes diarrhea and vomiting

Please keep your child at home if they have any symptoms of the flu or you suspect they may be getting sick.  Children must be fever free for 24 hours without medications in order to return to school.  Most physicians are recommending keeping your child home for 5 days after the initial diagnosis to prevent the spread of the flu.

This is also a good time to update all of your emergency contacts and make sure an adult is available if your student becomes ill while at school.  The flu tends to come on suddenly, so please plan ahead.  

Please notify the health room if your child is ill with a confirmed case of the flu or symptoms of the flu.  We are tracking the amount of cases in each class to make sure appropriate cleaning is taking place as well as keeping the Health Department up to date on current trends at school.

Health Room Contacts:
410 313-1575 (direct line)
Rachel Tulis, RN:
Kim Watts, SHA: