Thu, 11/29/2018 - 2:52pm
This year, the Howard County Public School System will be administering the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to all students in grades 3 and 5.Thu, 11/29/2018 - 2:38pm
Please remember that your children's health (and the health of other children) is most important of all.Thu, 11/29/2018 - 2:33pm
Through the month of November & December, students will be participating in classroom lessons focused on goal setting!Thu, 11/29/2018 - 2:32pm
Thank you for your partnership. DOES students are kind and caring students!Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:54am
Congratulations to the orchestra musicians of the month for November.Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:52am
It is important for the health room to have the most updated information on your child's health conditions.Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:36am
Today is International Tolerance Day, a day of observance created with the goal of bringing awareness to the dangers of intolerance.Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:32am
We have had a busy couple of weeks at Dayton Oaks, with opportunities for parents to visit our school, for different events.Fri, 11/16/2018 - 10:30am
Important Updates from the PTA ~ PTA News Splash 11/16/18Thu, 11/01/2018 - 5:41pm
Important Updates - PTA News Splash